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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Safety rules for summer camping

7/2/2024 (Permalink)

If you plan on going camping this summer, you should be aware of some basic campfire rules. When you find the perfect dirt spot for your campfire, clear the twigs, leaves, firewood, and grass away from around it. Then you will dig a foot deep hole and surround the hole with rocks. As you build your fire, make sure it doesn’t get too large or out of control. It is important to keep a bucket of water nearby incase the fire spreads outside of the pit. Keep your firewood, kindling, and tinder pile upwind from the fire so floating embers can’t reach it. Always keep an eye on little ones and pets around campfires; no one wants to take a trip to the ER. Try to burn all of the wood down to ashes. Once you’re finished, pour a lot of water on to the fire until there is no longer embers burning and there is no hissing noise. If you don’t have access to water, throw dirt on the fire and stir it with a shovel, continue doing this until all of the embers have cooled. As Smokey the Bear would say, “Only you can prevent wildfires.”

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